Thursday, March 15, 2012

Putnam County Jail

Outside look of the jail

Cell inside the suicidal watch room

One of the areas where the innmates spend time

These pictures above are images of the Putnam County Jail in Carmel, New York. Officer Labretti took us here on tuesday which was the 13th of March. I was really excited for our trip here but when i got there, that excitement kind of went away. The first part of the tour was that we went into the main control room, in this room every single door, cell and gate could be opened by this one person working in this room. He also had a screen with every camera on it so he could see if there were any problems. After that we went into this visiting area. What i found interesting was that each innmate only had 2 hours a week of visiting hours and tghose hours are between monday and friday. After that we were taken into the suicidal watch room where it consisted of one T.V. that they werent even allowed to watch sometimes, and 4 cells that consisted of one little bed and a toilet. People were put into this room because at one point of them being in this jail they said they wanted to hurt themselves. We walked past cells after and i started getting a little creeped out by seeing all the innmates, they were kind of creepy and scary. What i thought was interesting was there was this one black innmate who had to have their alone time outside seperated from everyone else because he had tried to kill another innmate before. The maximum time that one innmate can do in this jail is about a year or so. Overall, my trip to the jail was very interesting and a great experience!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

First day out

Yesterday Officer Labretti picked us up at the school and took us to the Hudson Valley Transportation Management Center. He set up this awesome tour with one of his close friends who is also a state trooper. What this building was used for was that when people call 911, this is where their calls go, then they have a few rooms that they transfer the calls based on what kind of problem there is. What also happens here is that they get calls about cars that break down or have a problem so they send out the H.E.L.P. (Highway Emergency Local Patrol) trucks to assist the person with their problem. They arrive at the spot and make sure you are safe first and will call an ambulance if needed. What i thought was pretty interesting was that if there was ever any problems with anything, the mayor would go here to hideout and be kept safe. They had used this facility when hurricane Irene hit. They had about a hundred troopers and other workers sleeping in this one big room  and in the gym. Our next step is next monday hes taking us to Putnam county jail!

Friday, March 2, 2012


A couple days ago, i had recieved a call from Officer Labretti but unfortunelty i was taking a nap so when i woke up i saw i had a voicemail. I started listening to it and heard it was Labretti telling me that hopefully next week he would be taking me and two other classmates on a tour of a couple places. I wish i still had the voicemail so i could tell u exactly where he said wed be taking cours of but i deleted it by accident. I am so excited to finally get started with this project.